Sunday, April 6, 2008

IBA Picnic '08 - Break Out, Scream Out, Chill Out

The IBA Annual Picnic 2008 is on the 11th (4 days to go). We'll be heading to the Padma Resort, which is something like a 1.5 hr drive from IBA. We'll leave at 8am and come back at 7pm (and we all know how punctual IBA is). We'll be going by bus then crossing the river by boat (that should be interesting). The Resort itself seems to be fine, although wooden houses on stilts don't exactly say safety. Hopefully it'll be a memorable experience.

A teeny bit of info. if you keep up with the news you would know that there is a murderer (read serial killer) on the loose in that exact region.


shuvro.shuvro said...

Shabash, AshraFOOL.
Chaliye ja.....

Anonymous said...

Ajke kintu pani chilona...thakle mojai hoito.
